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nutritional products
Josipa Kraša 3
49 247 Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia

Tel. +385 (0)49 / 588-440
Fax. +385 (0)49 / 588 450
Contact us!


Advantages of our products:

a) Safety-microbiology (Samonella)

b) Convinience in applying and handling

c) Saving – within the time of preparation and space

d) Neat working space – when applying them

  "HACCP" - the system of preventive food control

The system of the preventive food control has been directed to its health correctness. „HACCP“ includes the critical assessment of all phases in food manufacture, as well as the identification of those phases which are critical for the safety of products.

„CPP“ (Critical Control Point) – The critical control point is any point of phase or procedure in the course of food preparation, which shall, when under control eliminate or decrease the danger to an acceptable level.

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